Sunday, May 17, 2020

Slot Cars - Mini Table Scenery

A busy week working on these little models to be dotted around the track for part of the scenery.  All from a series of Dragonball models - except the one Gundam of course.  Visible at the moment are some wires.  These will be hidden and wired to a controller in the coming week.  The intention is they will all light up with different patterns to signal completion of a lap and another pattern for fastest lap.

The van.

Bunny girl in a hovercraft.

The roadster.

The motorcycle.

The monocycle.

And of course the killer robot!

Once this is all wired up the landscaping can be finished off and racing can begin.

Laser - Desk Tidy Tape and Clips

I am slowly but surely tackling the problem of the most untidy desk drawer I ever had.  It is just one big open space with everything chucked in there.  Time to get organized.

I already made 3 simple enclosures to keep my glasses safe.  Normal, reading, and hobby glasses now all have their own clean little segregated areas.  Now to tackle some of the other bits.
Clipper and tape are not so bad, but those little clips are everywhere, so they need to be sorted.

A couple of hours planning in my head and using Solid Edge software, I marked out some parts and crossed my fingers I had it right.

Too late now,  I either got this right or I have some firewood.

Time to assemble.

So far so good.

The nice thing about the laser is this type of wood stitching joint.  It is so accurate everything just slots together nicely.  A little dab of glue and it is done.

So accurate, you need to sand the final insert a bit.  The fit is perfect, but this piece needs to be removable with ease.  So the lightest of sandings.

All done for now.  Clipper and tape have a new home, and storage for those clips too.